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Composer: Poets of the Fall

Poets of the Fall - Dawn lyrics

When darkness is no less than everything you've built become undone
There's no fight and no flight, disaster leaves your passion overrun

It's time to let go, it's time to carry on with the show
don't mourn what is gone, greet the dawn

n' I will be standing by your side
together we'll face the turning tide

Remembrance, can be a sentence, but it comes to you with a second chance in tow
Don't lose it, don't refuse it, cos you cannot learn a thing you think you know

A new light is warm, shining down on you after the storm
Don't mourn what is gone, greet the dawn

n' I will be standing by your side
together we'll face the turning tide
Songs list of album: Carnival of Rust (2006)
         Title Rating
01   Fire lyrics   -
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05   Gravity lyrics   -
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07   Roses lyrics  
08   Desire lyrics   -
09    All the Way/4U lyrics Add lyrics   -
10   Delicious lyrics   -
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12   Dawn lyrics  

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