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Composer: Gidenlow, D.

Pain of Salvation - Pilgrim lyrics

[Music: D.Gildenlow]

'In fire, we can see our past and our coming. For, as with us and our time,

these flames are solely born through the complete and utterly consumption

of its surroundings. By which, the fire itself is also condemned to be

destroyed. Demanding, beautiful and very lethal, it lives itself to death...'

The higher I am reaching - the closer to the sun

The more I learn the less I know for sure

For each machine I'm leaving I find a bigger one

For each step I turn wiser than before

But it's burning me...

Pilgrim, where are you going?

Pilgrim, your roads turning bleak

Pilgrim, true to your knowing

But what will you pay for the Grail that you seek?

Though these roads seem endless

And life seems out of reach

The roads I left were better off unwalked

If I had just been stronger

If I had dared to see

Maybe I would not have had to go this far

But still I won't give in...

Pilgrim, where are you going?

Pilgrim, your roads turning bleak

Pilgrim, This quest is your calling

...the curtains are falling...

Pilgrim, where are you going?

And who sets the price on the answers you seek?
Songs list of album: One Hour by the Concrete Lake (1999)
         Title Rating
01    Spirit of the Land lyrics Add lyrics   -
02   Inside lyrics   -
03   The Big Machine lyrics   -
04    New Year's Eve lyrics Add lyrics   -
05    Handful of Nothing lyrics Add lyrics   -
06   Water lyrics   -
07   Home lyrics   -
08   Black Hills lyrics   -
09   Pilgrim lyrics   -
10   Shore Serenity lyrics   -
11   Inside Out lyrics   -

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