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Composer: Gidenlow, D.

Pain of Salvation - Home lyrics

[Music: D.Gildenlow]

'The white man, he comes and goes. He can go. ...But that's our homeland for
thousands of years. That's our home, and we will never leave. No matter how
contaminated it gets. We live there! We have always lived there and we will
always live there.'

This is our home - our roots go deep
Where our ancestors sleep
This is the land we've nursed for countless aeons
But never ours to keep
My tribe is crying - our land is dying
But we can't leave - this is our home
We can't let our past go...

We're left with your legacy
Wide awake, deep at our roots
While you move on exploiting
We'll sing lullabies for half a million years

When my son asks why, what will I reply?
But we can't leave - this is our home
We can't let our past go...

[D. Gildenlow]

But we can't leave - this is our home!
If you like concrete alone
Then don't make your high lives depend
On that past that you let go...

[III: Karachay]
Songs list of album: One Hour by the Concrete Lake (1999)
         Title Rating
01    Spirit of the Land lyrics Add lyrics   -
02   Inside lyrics   -
03   The Big Machine lyrics   -
04    New Year's Eve lyrics Add lyrics   -
05    Handful of Nothing lyrics Add lyrics   -
06   Water lyrics   -
07   Home lyrics   -
08   Black Hills lyrics   -
09   Pilgrim lyrics   -
10   Shore Serenity lyrics   -
11   Inside Out lyrics   -

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