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Composer: This Is Hell

This Is Hell - Retrospect lyrics

If ever we were innocent, that time that came and went.
Looking back we'll hang our heads and say, "All things change."
At the start of this you have no idea.
Barring precognition you just couldn't know how merciless all of this
would seem from here and now but regret is just a game for fools,
Barring hindsight there would still be disbelief lingering, bearing down.
In retrospect, we can laugh at how obvious it is when the pillars go
But when it's all collapsing around your feet it seems you're always the last to know.
Songs list of album: Sundowning (2006)
         Title Rating
01   Retrospect lyrics   -
02   Prelude (Again) lyrics   -
03   Here Come the Rains lyrics   -
04   Permanence lyrics   -
05   4.8.05 lyrics   -
06   The Polygraph Cheaters lyrics  
07   Deliver Me lyrics   -
08   The Absentee Ballot lyrics   -
09   Broken Teeth lyrics   -
10   8.27.05 lyrics   -
11   Procession Commence lyrics   -
12   Nobody Leaves Without Singing the Blues lyrics   -
13   Epilogue lyrics   -

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