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Composer: Brian Gibson

Hazel O'Connor - Big Brother lyrics

They'll tear out your heart, throw it knee-deep in a gut
'cos that's what they do with the scum like me and you
And you feel as if you died, moisture standing on the line
And you wonder all the time why can't you cry?
But the people in control don't care for you
Say you're just a robot with a job to do
And when your use is exhausted, they'll be rid of you
As soon as look at you, go to the back of the queue!

B-B-Big brother's got no heart
When I get my chance
I'm gonna kick him in the ah-ah-ah-ah-ah
Big brother's got no heart
When I get my chance
I'm gonna kick him in the ah (sh) ah (sh) ah (sh) ah (sh) arse

His eyes are dull, they stole his soul
They left him to rot in some stinking cancelled hole
Where they keep him doped on beer and hopes
Of television dreams he's living on the screens
He knows something that he used to believe in
That was: Every human being should have his freedom
But while his dungeon had to wait to show him
He should be more useful, as they broke into his skull

B-B-Big brother's got no heart
When I get my chance
I'm gonna kick him in the ah-ah-ah-ah-ah
Big brother's got no heart
When I get my chance
I'm gonna kick him in the ah (sh) ah (sh) ah (sh) ah (sh) arse

Big brother, beware, 'cos some of us do care
And the word (and the word, and the word, and the word)
They turn (they turn, they turn, they turn)
And the violence (and the violence, and the violence, and the violence)
In my head (in my head, in my head, in my head) is real
Bam-bam, you're dead!

B-B-Big brother's got no heart
When I get my chance
I'm gonna kick him in the ah-ah-ah-ah-ah
Big brother's got no heart
When I get my chance
I'm gonna kick him in the ah (sh) ah (sh) ah (sh) ah (sh) arse

B-B-Big brother's got no heart
When I get my chance
I'm gonna kick him in the ah-ah-ah-ah-ah
Big brother's got no heart
When I get my chance
I'm gonna kick him in the ah (sh) ah (sh) ah (sh) ah (sh) arse

Songs list of album: Fighting Back [live] (2005)
         Title Rating
01    Give Me an Inch lyrics Add lyrics   -
02   Runaway lyrics   -
03   Blackman lyrics   -
04    Calls the Tune lyrics Add lyrics   -
05   If Only lyrics   -
06    (Cover Plus) We're All Grown Up lyrics Add lyrics   -
07    D. Days lyrics Add lyrics   -
08    Fighting Back lyrics Add lyrics   -
09   Hanging Around lyrics   -
10   Will You lyrics   -
11    Rebecca lyrics Add lyrics   -
12   Eighth Day lyrics   -
13    Who Needs It? lyrics Add lyrics   -
14   Big Brother lyrics   -
15    Spancil Hill lyrics Add lyrics   -
16    Driftwood lyrics Add lyrics   -
17    That's Life lyrics Add lyrics   -
18    Beyond the Breaking Glass lyrics Add lyrics   -

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