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Composer: John Newton

Arlo Guthrie - Amazing Grace lyrics

Amazing Grace! How sweet the sound
That saved a wretch like me
I once was lost but now am found
Was blind but now I see

Twas Grace that taught my heart to fear
And Grace my fears relieved
Oh how precious did that Grace appear
The hour I first believed

Amazing Grace! How sweet the sound
That saved a wretch like me
I once was lost but now am found
Was blind but now I see

I been singing this song for a long time now,
but, you know the funny thing is that,
I been, I been thinking about Lee Hayes lately because,
its from Lee that I learned my favorite verse in this song,
We were doing a, a movie of Alice’s Restaurant,
and old Lee come down, an he's in there, singing this song.
You know another reason I been singing this for so long is 'cause I love the story about the man who wrote this song.
The man who wrote this song was the captain of a slave ship,
and he used to sail people from Africa over to this country a long time ago,
and on time he was coming back this way with a boat full of people, and out in the middle of the ocean he changed his mind and he turned the boat around, took everybody back home.
and He sailed back to this country and he started writing these songs.
You know that man might have lived a long time ago, but he's a friend of mine today.
Because anybody who's not afraid to turn around is a friend of mine today.
And that’s not just individual people, but that’s cities, and towns too, states, and countries, Companies, and worlds and planets.
We can't ever let nothing make us be afraid to anything that’s right, you know that’s because there's a lots of stuff that needs to be turned around, but the funny thing is if you can't do it for your self, you cant do it for the world either, and Lee Hayes was one of the few men I've known in this world who, was not only inspiration to me but showed me that its, its possible to do for yourself what you intend to do for the rest of world, and I wish everybody could learn as much.

Shall I be wafted to the skies
On flowery beds of ease
While others strive to win the prize
And sail on bloody seas

Amazing Grace! How sweet the sound
That saved a wretch like me
I once was lost but now am found
Was blind but now I see
Songs list of album: Alice's Restaurant [Original Soundtrack] (1969)
         Title Rating
01    Traveling Music lyrics Add lyrics   -
02    Alice's Restaurant Massacree, Pt. 1 lyrics Add lyrics   -
03    The Let Down lyrics Add lyrics   -
04    Songs to Aging Children lyrics Add lyrics   -
05   Amazing Grace lyrics  
06    Trip to the City lyrics Add lyrics   -
07    Alice's Restaurant Massacre, Pt. 2 lyrics Add lyrics   -
08    Crash Pad Improvs lyrics Add lyrics   -
09    You're a Fink lyrics Add lyrics   -
10    Harps and Marriage lyrics Add lyrics   -

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