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Composer: Jolie Holland

Jolie Holland - All the Morning Birds lyrics

By three a.m. all the morning birds will be crying

And that old highway will be sighing

And my dreams feel as cold as my bones on the long walk home.

And my coat is old and growin thin

And my feet are numb and stumbling

And its many the thought of a long lost friend

That comes to me again and again.

And I want to thank my Sarah Bell

Who blessed me more than words can tell and who

Picked me straight up out of hell

And I miss her real bad but I love her well.

And I remember Don Clancy as a wild young man

But I haven't seen hide nor hair of him since he lost his mind

And was born again off the coast of Oregon.

Oh where are you now, oh where are you now

And do you even think of me

I'm telling you now

You are the stars that I'll follow

Endlessly, endlessly, endlessly, oh

Well, I'm singin' this song but it won't take long.

On these frozen streets I'm half way home

And the sky above me forms a beautiful dome

Of blue and pink and starry gold.

Oh where are you now, oh where are you now

And do you even think of me

I'm telling you now

You are the stars that I'll follow

Endlessly, endlessly, endlessly, oh
Songs list of album: Catalpa (2003)
         Title Rating
01   Alley Flowers lyrics   -
02   All the Morning Birds lyrics   -
03    Roll My Blues lyrics Add lyrics   -
04   Black Hand Blues lyrics   -
05    December, 1999 lyrics Add lyrics   -
06   I Wanna Die lyrics   -
07   Demon Lover Improv lyrics   -
08   Catalpa Waltz lyrics   -
09   The Littlest Birds lyrics   -
10   Wandering Angus lyrics   -
11   Periphery Waltz lyrics   -
12   Ghost Waltz lyrics   -

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