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Kathryn Williams - Sandy L lyrics

My name is sandy L sandy L
I named myself after myself
I watch people and people watch me
The best time is when they sleep

I'm going to dream of dreaming

My name is sandy L sandy L
Sometimes I end up talking to myself
I can see them and they can see me
Laid flat like a closed book
Closed to you closed to me

I'm going to dream of dreaming

Streets aren't so easy for me
You need a place to go and a place you've been
My hardware is humming with me
That and you on the screen keeps me company

You don't need to know people to love them,
As long as you don't want to own them

I'm going to dream of dreaming

My name is sandy L sandy L
It's my password, my logo, my business, my shadow
I've switched off and i've shut down
I can see the lights from the town going out going out

I'm going to dream of dreaming
Next to somebody dreaming
I'm going to dream of dreaming
Next to somebody dreaming
I'm going to dream of dreaming
Next to somebody dreaming
I'm going to dream of dreaming
Next to somebody dreaming

I'm going to dream.
Songs list of album: Leave to Remain (2006)
         Title Rating
01   Blue Onto You lyrics   -
02   Let It Happen lyrics   -
03   Sustain Pedal lyrics   -
04   Stevie lyrics   -
05   Sandy L lyrics   -
06   When lyrics   -
07   Glass Bottom Boat lyrics   -
08   Hollow lyrics   -
09   Opened lyrics   -
10    Room in My Head lyrics Add lyrics   -

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