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Composer: Limp

Limp - Fine Girl lyrics

not deserving of this you are there and i am nowhere near the feeling i =
thought would go away has grown and is far past to late and all i think =
about now is that you are there and i am nowhere near consolation i =
won't take it well nothin' else and no one qualifies consolation i won't =
take it well cause you are there and i am nowhere near here it is it's =
waiting for us i sit alone and watch it go i want it back so bad right =
now just one more time and then i let it go take me back i want to go i =
want to see your face again i want to die inside again just one more =
time and then i let it go and so it ends on promises a bitter taste is =
in my mouth and all i think about now is that someone near is finding =
what i want but i'm still here and you are nowhere near
Submitted by: Mel
Songs list of album: Guitarded (1999)
         Title Rating
01   Entertainer lyrics   -
02   Bike Ride lyrics   -
03   Passed Out lyrics   -
04    Lost and Found lyrics Add lyrics   -
05   Fine Girl lyrics   -
06   Decision lyrics   -
07   Bag Lunch lyrics   -
08   Tomorrow lyrics   -
09   Ten Minutes lyrics   -
10   The Critic lyrics   -
11   Better Reason lyrics   -
12   DI lyrics   -

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