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Composer: Adair, Grossenheider, J., Jost, M., Rob Tweedie

Adair - The Diamond Ring lyrics

I'll peel back the skin from my head
Let the sun melt you from my memory
I'll drink myself to sleep and escape
The nightmares of being awake.
I'll set the air afire.
You never even tried to tell me
What went wrong, what went wrong.
In this train wreck that we built together
What went wrong, what went wrong.

Under shaking skin, underneath it all.
Kill me from within. Kill me, kill me.

You said always.
Say you will, pretend to care.
Say you will be there
Say you will, pretend to care.
Say you will be there


Steal my breath, taint the air.
Every bone in my body's been broken
And my life is a jaw wired shut,
My voice is my curse and my shelter from the pain
And I'm breathing carbon just to fall
Asleep at night. Asleep at night.
In this train wreck that we built together
Nothing's right, nothing's right.

I'm teething.
I'm cutting gums for the first time.

Under shaking skin, underneath it all.
Kill me from within. Kill me, kill me.

You said always.
Say you will, pretend to care.
Say you will be there
Say you will, pretend to care.
Say you will be there

You said always.

You're stabbing my heart.

Broken hearts, broken doors.
Dying on a hotel floor.
Because of a small black box you couldn't receive.
I'll drive you home tomorrow in silence. My sister will return it.

This is the end of the summer, and the beginnings of the fall.
You'll leave me two months later. In an airport goodbye.
And as the weeks go on the letters and the phone calls decrease.
Ah, to fade from memory.

So keep the punches coming:
Kick the throat you used to kiss.
Push face into concrete.
A smile, a giant fist.
The bloody face of bliss.
And as I gasp for my last breath,
I crawl back into your perfect poison arms.
Songs list of album: Destruction of Everything Is the Beginning of Something New (2006)
         Title Rating
01    The Destruction of Everything (Valley of Fire) lyrics Add lyrics   -
02    Barricade the Doors lyrics Add lyrics   -
03    The Art of Staying Alive lyrics Add lyrics   -
04    I Buried My Heart in Cosmo Park lyrics Add lyrics   -
05   Separate Your Jaw lyrics   -
06    Folding an Unfolding lyrics Add lyrics   -
07   The Prison Island lyrics   -
08   The Diamond Ring lyrics   -
09    In the Corner, Quietly Dying lyrics Add lyrics   -
10    Mouths Join in the Cold lyrics Add lyrics   -
11    Vanity and Death (Their Faces Crumbled Away) lyrics Add lyrics   -
12    The Ghosts of Who We Were lyrics Add lyrics   -
13    The Beginning of Something New (City of Hope) lyrics Add lyrics   -
14    Flaco 81 [Bonus Material] lyrics Add lyrics   -
15    Failure [Bonus Material] lyrics Add lyrics   -
16    The Diamond Ring [Bonus Material] lyrics Add lyrics   -
17    Saku [Bonus Material] lyrics Add lyrics   -
18    Broken [Bonus Material] lyrics Add lyrics   -
19    Thunderhawk [Bonus Material] lyrics Add lyrics   -

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