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Composer: Hi-Standard

Hi-Standard - Sunny Day lyrics

It was a beautiful day!

When I closed my eyes slowly that day.

I saw the clear blues sky and everyone's wonderful smiles in front of my eyes.

As if the old days had come back.

"How small the sky is when looking down from this window?"

Trying to find bright sunny days.

Searching all day and night.

I run fast to the way to sunny day, sunny day.

The lights shining on the silent moment.

What do they mean? I wonder.

Somehow I shed big drops of tears, sweet moment.

It was a beautiful day!

As days go by the lights get smaller,

as the care words get louder.

I'll never forget all love is here.

As if the old days had come back.

Trying to find bright sunny days.

Searching all day and night.

I run fast to the way to sunny day.

The lights shining on the silent moment.

What do they mean? I wonder.

Is it the same light I felt a long time ago?

The same light I saw? Such wonderful days!
Songs list of album: Growing Up (1996)
         Title Rating
01    Summer of Love lyrics Add lyrics   -
02    Wait for the Sun lyrics Add lyrics   -
03    Who'll Be the Next lyrics Add lyrics   -
04   Lonely lyrics   -
05   Saturday Night lyrics   -
06    I'm Walkin' lyrics Add lyrics   -
07   Maximum Overdrive lyrics   -
08   Growing Up lyrics   -
09    Tell Me Something, Happy News lyrics Add lyrics   -
10   New Life lyrics   -
11   Since You Been Gone lyrics   -
12   Kiss Me Again lyrics   -
13   Sunny Day lyrics   -
14    In the Brightly Moonlight lyrics Add lyrics   -

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