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The Butterfly Effect - Always lyrics


I can feel you.. against my skin,

I feel you...

Like the poison seeping into

Into my veins, numb with the pain

Sick and guilty

is The sadness you've given to me...

I can feel you... Always...

I will learn too late

It's too late.. to change

It is too late..

Still these strange frustration stains

Burn my skin when nobody needs me....

This sadness.. Forced to feel

Like poison, I'll never heal

I will learn too late

It's too late.. to change

It is too late..

Still these strange frustration stains

Burn my skin when nobody needs me....

It's always, you're always

I'm always and I

I need you always.. I need you always

It's always, you're always,

I'm always and I

I'm always... Always...


I am with you always

I am with you always

I am with you always

I am with you always

Always.. Always.. Always.. Always..
Songs list of album: Begins Here (2004)
         Title Rating
01   Perception Twin lyrics   -
02   Consequence lyrics   -
03    One Second of Insanity lyrics Add lyrics   -
04   Crave lyrics   -
05   Beautiful Mine lyrics   -
06   Filling Silence lyrics   -
07   Always lyrics   -
08   Without Wings lyrics   -
09   Overwhelmed lyrics   -
10    A.D lyrics Add lyrics   -
11   Crave lyrics   -
12    One Second of Insanity lyrics Add lyrics   -
13   Beautiful Mine lyrics   -

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