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Composer: The Beautiful Mistake

The Beautiful Mistake - The Great Divorce lyrics

Close your eyes, step off the bus its time.

Don't hesitate don't fear,

Our paths all lead to here.

You won't need a thing, just who you are

You've got a long long way its far.

The road before, was just the start

The road ahead, lies in your heart.

The light will call you,

To wrap its arms around you.

The light will find you,

and wrap its arms around you.

Now I've arrived, step off this ride to find

What does it ? what feels,

The things that you've conceiled.

Over the hills, just look ahead

The past is all but dead, your choice ?.

Is this for real, the time is now

It's at your heals.

The light will call you,

To wrap its arms around you.

The light will find you,

and wrap its arms around you.

? make sure the ? is clear

you hear , hear the voice

with the song of celebration.

The light will call you,

To wrap its arms around you.

The light will find you,

and wrap its arms around you.

Close your eyes, close your eyes

Now I've arrived.
Songs list of album: This Is Who You Are (2004)
         Title Rating
01    This Is Who You Are lyrics Add lyrics   -
02    Wide Eyed and Wasted lyrics Add lyrics   -
03   My Reminder lyrics   -
04    Cold Hearts (For Tired Souls) lyrics Add lyrics   -
05   A Safe Place lyrics   -
06    The Separation lyrics Add lyrics   -
07   The Great Divorce lyrics   -
08   Walking Wounded lyrics   -
09    A Friendly Committee lyrics Add lyrics   -
10    Cold Hands (For Tired Hearts) lyrics Add lyrics   -

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