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Dry Cell - Forever Beautiful lyrics

i just want you to know that i want you to be safe
or was it fate, no i can't remember
so much pain in the world i hate feeling this way (it took you away)
i wish i could be strong, i wish i could be brave
i wish i could be over and over
to the world and the some of fate (away)

don't ever think that i could not appreciate
we all come
full circle
whatever out to give my lonely complicate

i just want you to know it isn't easy to face
its growing back but i will remember
hear your voice everyday doesn't seam like the same (it took you away)
(from me)

i wish that you were gone
i wish you could be saved
i wish you could be over and over
to the world, another some of fate(away)

don't ever think that i could not apreciate
we all come full circle
whatever out to give my lonely complicate

this isn't over theres no way
im still denying everything
this can't be right and possibly

i don't know if i'll ever

don't ever think that i could not apreciate
we all come
full circle
whatever out to give my lonely complicate
Songs list of album: Disconnected (2002)
         Title Rating
01   Slip Away lyrics   -
02    Under the Sun lyrics Add lyrics   -
03   Body Crumbles lyrics   -
04   Last Time lyrics   -
05   Sorry lyrics   -
06   Silence lyrics   -
07   So Long Ago lyrics   -
08   Forever Beautiful lyrics   -
09   Disconnected lyrics   -
10   Ordinary lyrics   -
11   Brave lyrics   -
12   Last Time (Reprise) lyrics   -

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