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Composer: Nick Coyle, Lifer

Lifer - Not Like You lyrics

Why do you insist that you are right and I am wrong?
I know I'm no Jesus Christ, but I'm no different than you.

What if I was everything you wanted,
Would you still point and laugh at me?
I cried once, but never again.
Not again.

I am not like you, so you don't like me.

You are so resistant,
Never listening to anything other than what's familiar.
I'm familiar with everyone else.

What if I was everything you wanted,
Would you still point and laugh at me?
I cried once, but never again.
Not again.

I am not like you, so you don't like me.
I am not like you.

What if I was everything you wanted?
Would you still point and laugh at me?
I cried once, but never again.

I am not like you, so you don't like me.
I am not like you, so you don't like me.
I am not like you...
I am not like you
Songs list of album: Lifer (2001)
         Title Rating
01   My Room lyrics   -
02   Ugly lyrics   -
03   Boring lyrics   -
04   Swallow lyrics   -
05   No Need lyrics   -
06   Parade lyrics   -
07   New lyrics   -
08   Disbelief lyrics   -
09   Blurred lyrics   -
10   Heave lyrics   -
11   Not Like You lyrics   -
12   Breathless lyrics   -
13    Perfect With Silence lyrics Add lyrics   -

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