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Composer: Satanic Surfers

Satanic Surfers - The Sing-Along Summer-Song lyrics

I wish it was summer

the sun would shine

I had nothing to do but to waste my time

we could hang out

riding our bikes

I'd shave your head

and you could help me with my spikes

but it isn't summer

it's cold outside

I'm overworked

and got no time

to do all the things we talked about

to do all the things we talked about

I'm gettin my dreads done

you're growing your hair long

nothing's what it used to be

I guess I'll have the memories to carry them with me

autumn winter spring

I'll be holding on to yesterday the summer came und went away too fast

I wish it was summer

the sun would shine

I had nothing to do but to waste my time

we could hang out

riding our bikes

I'd shave your head

and you could help me with my spikes

but it isn't summer

it's cold outside

I'm overworked

and got no time

to do all the things we talked about

to do all the things we talked about

I'm gettin my dreads done

you're growing your hair long

nothing's what it used to be

I guess I'll have the memories to carry them with me

autumn winter spring

I'll be holding on to yesterday the summer came und went away too fast
Songs list of album: Unconsciously Confined (2002)
         Title Rating
01    Forfeiture lyrics Add lyrics   -
02    Thoughts, Words, Action lyrics Add lyrics   -
03   4 A.M. lyrics   -
04    PC= Potential Criminal lyrics Add lyrics   -
05   Bittersweet lyrics   -
06   The Sing-Along Summer-Song lyrics   -
07   State of Confomity lyrics   -
08   More to Life lyrics   -
09   Don't Let Silence Be an Option lyrics   -
10    Aim to Please? lyrics Add lyrics   -
11    Pecan Pie lyrics Add lyrics   -
12   Up for Sale lyrics   -
13   Diversity lyrics   -

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