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Composer: Doug McKean

The GC5 - Strings Attached lyrics

In five years it?l burn inside you

Will you look back and say you did all that you tried to

They?l try hard each day to break you

Until the day comes when lip service will forsake you

And you?e been tested

Pulled out your hair now

With each passing day gone by

You look the worse for wear now

Your excuses all grow stale

Until you see the lady in the long black veil

And every violin in the world is playing your song

But they?e playing it all wrong

You think long, try to get things sorted

With one foot in each grave you end up quartered

You feel a tug, a subtle persuasion

As that suit and tie look ever more engaging

Accept the strings, they will support you

As you wave goodbye to childish things they contort you
Songs list of album: Horseshoes & Hand Grenades (2001)
         Title Rating
01   Culture Wars lyrics   -
02    A Sheep in Wolf's Clothing lyrics Add lyrics   -
03   The Bottom Line lyrics   -
04   Strings Attached lyrics   -
05    Bastards of Young lyrics Add lyrics   -

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