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Composer: Jeffrey Fortson, Squad Five-O

Squad Five-O - 2 Grand and a Lot of Hassle lyrics

Don't he look like a man

With the contract in hand

Sayin' to me "It's too big a hassle"

I'm lucky to be where I am

While he lives like a king

Up in a castle

He should be Judas swingin' from a noose

But I'm feelin' like a bull in a lasso

Everybody's gettin' paid

As they sell my rights away

Except for me

I am yours and you are mine

Bastards in their eyes

Guilty before trial

We are victims by design

Captives all the while

Masters of denial

It's such a hassle

Was it always the plan

Create supply and demand

You give 'em a show they give you your money

Or make a dollar with the Bible in hand

Now they're talking to you and you know it ain't funny

Got the congregation slightly amused

The tables are turned

And I saw Jesus leave early

Don't they put the blame right down on you

By the time that sermon's through

You said to me

2 grand and a lot of hassle
Songs list of album: Late News Breaking (2004)
         Title Rating
01    Always Talkin', Never on the Run lyrics Add lyrics   -
02   Lay It Down lyrics   -
03   2 Grand and a Lot of Hassle lyrics   -
04   All We Have lyrics   -
05   Bye American lyrics   -
06    Don't Hesitate lyrics Add lyrics   -
07   Secret Society lyrics   -
08   Left Alone lyrics   -
09   Train of Shame lyrics   -
10    Keep Me Up at Night lyrics Add lyrics   -
11   No Heroes lyrics   -
12   Everything lyrics   -

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