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#  A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z  

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Composer: Bryan Scott

The Union Underground - Until You Crack lyrics

How Long?

Kiss your Mother now,
I think you Should,
Kick you while your Down,
You knew I would.
So Im Wearin' thin,
Same old trip again,
face down, Heroin,
Same old trip again.

I Said How Long! (How Long?)
I Said How Long! (How Long?)
I Said How Long! (How Long?)
Until You Crack! Yeah!
I Said How Long! (How Long?)
I Said How Long! (How Long?)
I Said How Long! (How Long?)
Until You Crack! Yeah!

Drag your Sister Down,
You never Learn,
Teach your Brother How,
And watch him Burn,
So im wearin Thin,
Same old Trip again,
Face down, Heroin
Same old trip again
Same Old trip again!


Your Parionia, Is starting to Boil,
The Feeling is so that im Sickened im breakin I,
Your Parionia, Is Starting to Boil,
My Bleeding is full, So that im Dead!

Songs list of album: An Education in Rebellion (2000)
         Title Rating
01    ...An Education in Rebellion lyrics Add lyrics   -
02   Drivel lyrics   -
03   South Texas Deathride lyrics   -
04    Turn Me on "Mr. Deadman" lyrics Add lyrics   -
05   Until You Crack lyrics   -
06    Killing the Fly lyrics Add lyrics   -
07   Natural High lyrics   -
08   Revolution Man lyrics   -
09   Trip With Jesus lyrics   -
10   Bitter lyrics   -
11   The Friend Song lyrics   -

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