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Composer: Bleach

Bleach - Jaded Now lyrics

Don't get jaded now
Cause it ain't over
Before you know somehow
we're going to find some closure
I've been unwound
but I won't break
and I have found
it's not too late

So, don't get jaded now
the sun will rise
don't get jaded now
we will survive
don't get jaded now
we're still alive

i'm in need of resurrection
won't you please
bring new direction
cause, all my faith is nearly gone
and i'm so tired of holding on

but, don't get jaded now
the sun will rise
don't get jaded now
we are alive
don't get jaded now
we will survive

And oh it's been great trip
getting here
we all got lost in music
then came fear
and i'm so scared
but i can't be scared

i will make it through
you will make it through
i will make it through
yeah we'll make it through

don't get jaded now
don't get jaded now

i'm not scared
hold on
don't get jaded now the sun will rise
Songs list of album: Astronomy (2003)
         Title Rating
01   Get Up lyrics   -
02   December lyrics   -
03    Plan to Pull Through lyrics Add lyrics   -
04   Jaded Now lyrics   -
05   Astronomy lyrics   -
06   Living lyrics   -
07   Nineteen lyrics   -
08   Patience lyrics   -
09   Breakthrough lyrics   -
10   Tired Heart lyrics   -
11   Moving On lyrics   -

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