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Composer: Bella Morte

Bella Morte - Autumn lyrics

Voice as quiet as the rain
He whispers in the wind
Caressing softly weary words, his kiss
And Autumn comes with amber eyes
Pale as the night
To enfold the storm
To dance
Within the frost
To carry dreams of life away to dust
To cry
Your name out loud
To carry fear away cast down the shroud
To die

When summer fades to silence
When winter's still a dream
And solemn sleep to you is blind again
Then Autumn comes with amber eyes
Pale as the night
To enthrall your soul

To dance
Within the dust
To carry dreams of life turned into frost
To cry
Your name out loud
To carry fear away cast down the shroud
To die
To shatter doubt

And when the years have passed away
When memories have gone
And darkness is your day
Your dreams of Autumn carry you to days of youth and life

And sorrow falls before the drifts of faded scarlet skies
When Autumn called your name
Only the silence calls your name
Songs list of album: Where Shadows Lie (2000)
         Title Rating
01   Doubt lyrics   -
02   The Rain Within Her Hands lyrics   -
03   Relics lyrics   -
04   Away lyrics   -
05   Neverland lyrics   -
06   Where Shadows Lie lyrics   -
07   Autumn lyrics   -
08   The Metro lyrics   -
09    Mist and Stone lyrics Add lyrics   -
10   The Dawning lyrics   -
11   December Dreams lyrics   -
12   As Night Calls lyrics   -
13   Winter lyrics   -
14   The Last lyrics   -

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