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Composer: Josh Cunningham

The Waifs - Shiney Apple lyrics

Shiny apple rotten on the inside,
You skin is smooth but you sole is soft,
Oh why do you look so appertising but,
taste the truth and it will make you spit.

And how long have i known you now,
But I knew after just one taste,
And how long has my mouth been sour,
Its been sour ever since that day.

And how long can I go on like this,
Knowing what i know anyway,
But it makes me feel helpless to,
Stand and watch while you rot away.
Songs list of album: The Waifs (1996)
         Title Rating
01   Take It In lyrics   -
02   Gillian lyrics   -
03   Circles lyrics   -
04   Sunflower Man lyrics   -
05   Intimate lyrics   -
06    Jealously lyrics Add lyrics   -
07   Crazy Train lyrics   -
08   Billy Jones lyrics   -
09   Brain Damage lyrics   -
10   I Believe lyrics   -
11   Company lyrics   -
12   Waif Song lyrics   -
13   Shiney Apple lyrics   -

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