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Composer: Atom and His Package

Atom and His Package - Alpha Desperation March lyrics

I am comign in..try and stop me

push furniture in front of the door, it only gives me something to push against

in the full heat

of the summer'sday

you're telling me

to go away

but you owe me 8 thousand dollars, and i could use it

i'm only getting stronger, you may have noticed

but my head full of memories propels me ever forward

and in the living room

i can't see where you are, but the back door's locked, so you can't have gone far

and 8 thousand dollars is a whole lot of money and i could use it

could be that it's my imagination

but i think i hear you now

so come out, come out

wherever you are

olly olly olly olly olly olly ox and free

see, i'm perfectly aware, where it is that our love stands,

but the plain fact is that you owe me 8 grand,

if it helps jog your memory, i lent it to you on tuesday when we were drinking
Songs list of album: Redefining Music (2001)
         Title Rating
01    Undercover, Funny lyrics Add lyrics   -
02   Trump lyrics   -
03   Shopping Spree lyrics   -
04   Seed Song lyrics   -
05   Anarchy Means I Litter lyrics   -
06    Mission 1: Avoid Job Working With Assholes lyrics Add lyrics   -
07   For Franklin lyrics   -
08    Going to Georgia lyrics Add lyrics   -
09    Cross Country Atom and His Package Tour Via Bicycle lyrics Add lyrics   -
10    Atari Track and Field/New Controller Conspiracy lyrics Add lyrics   -
11   If You Own the Washington Redskins You're a Cock lyrics   -
12   Before My Friends Do lyrics   -
13   Alpha Desperation March lyrics   -
14   Open Your Heart lyrics   -
15    Upside Down from Here lyrics Add lyrics   -

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