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Composer: Jaret Reddick

Bowling for Soup - Milo lyrics

Yeah it was ten years in the making
But they finally got to tour
I bought all their albums, I got their sticker on my door
?????She was with some guy named stan
She drank Bud Ice from a can and got her rocks off with the band

And she would sing to me
She's all over me
This girl is scarin' me
Oh, yeah

When they call her silly girl they were right on
Dirty sheets and sour grapes, she kept on dancing on and on
Just like so many girls, she just wants to go home with the band
Maybe if she makes us practice(?), one of us will hold her hand

Graduated art school and she read of clockwork orange
She asked me if I had any drugs and she laughed when I said no
She ? for a CD, and he thought that he might score
Next thing ya know her minds on Hubert(?), he was passed out on the floor

And she would sing to me
She's all over me
This girl is scarin' me
Oh, yeah

When they call her silly girl they were right on
Dirty sheets and sour grapes, she kept on dancing on and on
Just like so many girls, she just wants to go home with the band
Maybe if she makes us practice, one of us will hold her hand x2
Songs list of album: Rock On Honorable Ones!!! (1998)
         Title Rating
01   2113 lyrics   -
02   Scope lyrics   -
03   Valentino lyrics   -
04   Corndog lyrics   -
05   Cody lyrics   -
06   Belgium lyrics  
07   Milo lyrics   -
08   Captain Hook lyrics   -
09   Ack!! lyrics   -
10   Thespian lyrics   -
11   Kool-Aid lyrics   -
12   I Don't Know lyrics   -
13   Wisk lyrics   -
14   A**man lyrics   -
15   Friday lyrics   -

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