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# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

#  A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z  

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Sesame Street - The Question Song lyrics

Little Girl: Now the letter is "Q".
And one word that begins with "Q" is "question."

Now here is a question,
A question for you
Remember, the answer
Will start with a "Q".

Grover: What's a "Q"?

Girl: Is that you? Oh hi, Grover.

Grover: Hi.

Girl: "Q" is a letter of the alphabet that looks like an "O" with a little tail at the bottom.

Grover: Oh! Now I remember. You can start the song again.

Girl: Thanks, Grover.

Grover: You're welcome.

Girl: Now here is a question,
A question for you.
Remember, the answer
Will start with a "Q".
Just think of a duck,
Be it white, brown, or black.
What sound does it make?
Why, a duckie goes...

Grover: Mooooooooooo!

Girl: No, Grover. A duckie goes "Quack!"
"Quack" is a "Q" word.
The answer is "Quack."

Grover: Oh. O.K.

Girl: But Grover..

Grover: Hmm?

Girl: Try this one.

Grover: O.K.

Girl: Now here is a question,
A question for you.
Remember, the answer
Will start with a "Q".
In stores, you find milk
In containers of sorts.
But what do you call them?
You call these things...

Grover: Cows.

Girl: No, that's not right! The answer is "Quarts"!
"Quarts" is a "Q" word.
The answer is "Quarts."
Now what made you think of cows?

Grover: I don't know. I think I heard one go "Moo" a minute ago.

Girl: Grover..

Grover: Hmm?

Girl: Forget about the cows.

Grover: O.K.

Girl: Now here is a question,
A question for you.
And once more, the answer
Begins with a "Q".
Remember a king
In a story you've seen.
To whom was he married?
He's wed to a...

Grover: Farmer.

Girl: No. The answer is "Queen."
"Queen" is a "Q" word.
The answer is "Queen."

Grover: Gee! I thought it was a farmer.

Girl: What farmer?

Grover: You know, the one that brought the cow in here.

Girl: Grover..

Grover: Hmm?

Girl: I've had quite enough! I quit!

Grover: Hmm. Oh well. O.K. Come on, cow. Let's go home.

Cow (pulled by Grover) Mooooooooooooooooooooo!
Songs list of album: ABC [Book & Cassette] (1996)
         Title Rating
01    ABC lyrics Add lyrics   -
02    ABC-Def-Ghi lyrics Add lyrics   -
03    "C" Is for Cookie lyrics Add lyrics   -
04   Dee, Dee, Dee lyrics   -
05   The Question Song lyrics   -
06    ABC's of the Swamp lyrics Add lyrics   -
07    ABC lyrics Add lyrics   -
08    ABC-Def-Ghi lyrics Add lyrics   -
09    "C" Is for Cookie lyrics Add lyrics   -
10   Dee, Dee, Dee lyrics   -
11   The Question Song lyrics   -
12    ABC's of the Swamp lyrics Add lyrics   -

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