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Composer: Kirk McLeod

Seven Nations - God lyrics

No, I never drink my poison
no, I never let you see
no, I never drink my poison
unless it's good for me -

No, I never ponder confusion
no, I never feel the need
to try to think way back of when there was nothing
or laugh at the madness of infinity -
It's up to me
what will be, is up to me
I never make a choice unless it's got to be
and I never give a reason

No, I never sink my teeth in
no, I never take a bite
no, I never sink my teeth in
unless I feel the right -

No, I never play the joker man
or sit around and wait to see
and watch the outcome of a certain situation
I had in mind for eternity -

It's up to me
what will be, is up to me
I never make a choice unless it's got to be
and I never give a reason
Songs list of album: Old Ground (1998)
         Title Rating
01   Colonel Fraser/The Big Parcel/Elzik's Farewell lyrics   -
02   No Reason lyrics   -
03   The Pound a Week Rise lyrics   -
04   Scream lyrics   -
05   Trumpan/Clare Jig/The Gaitha/Fiddlehead lyrics   -
06   God lyrics   -
07   Canadee-I-O lyrics   -
08    Campbell's Farewell to Redcastle/Christo Wraps the Reichstage/The Kilt lyrics Add lyrics   -
09   Green lyrics   -
10    Ye Jacobites by Name/The Rights of Man lyrics Add lyrics   -
11    Men of Argyll/Old Ground lyrics Add lyrics   -

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