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Seven Nations - The Pound a Week Rise lyrics

Come all you colliers
Who work down the mine
From Scotland to South Wales
From Teesdale to Tyne
I'll sing you a story about The Pound A Week Rise
And the men who were fooled by the government's lies

And It's down you go,
Down below, Jack
Where you never see the skies
And you're workin' in a dungeon
For your Pound A Week Rise

In 19 and 60, a few years ago
The mine workers' leaders to Lord Robbins did go
Sayin', "We work very hard, everyday we risk our lives.
And we ask you here and now for a Pound A Week Rise."

And it's down you go
Down below, Jack
Where you never see the skies
And you're workin' in a dungeon
For your Pound A Week Rise

Well, up spoke Lord Robbins
And he made this decree, he said,
"When the out-put rises, with you I will agree-
I'll raise up all your wages, and give to you fair pay,
For I was once a miner and I worked hard in my day."

And it's down you go
Down below, Jack
Where you never see the skies
And you're workin' in a dungeon
For your Pound A Week Rise

The miners they went home,
The worked hard and well
Their lungs filled with coal dust in the bosom of hell.
The out-put rose by fifteen, eighteen per cent and more,
And when two years had passed and gone, it rose above a score.

And it's down you go,
Down below, Jack
Where you never see the skies
And you're workin' in a dungeon
For your Pound A Week Rise

The miners they went, to get their hard-earned prize
They asked Lord Robbins for their Pound A Week Rise
Robbins wouldn't give a pound,
He wouldn't give ten bob,
He gave 'em seven and six and said,
"Now, get back to your jobs!"

And it's down you go,
Down below, Jack
Where you never see the skies
And you're workin' in a dungeon
For your Pound A Week Rise

So,, come all you colliers,
Take heed what I say
Don't believe Lord Robbins when he says he'll give fair pay
He'll tell you to work hard,
And make the out-put rise
But you'll get pie in the sky
Instead of a Pound A Week Rise

And it's down you go,
Down you go, Jack
Where you never see the skies
And you're workin' in a dungeon
For your Pound A Week Rise
Songs list of album: Old Ground (1998)
         Title Rating
01   Colonel Fraser/The Big Parcel/Elzik's Farewell lyrics   -
02   No Reason lyrics   -
03   The Pound a Week Rise lyrics   -
04   Scream lyrics   -
05   Trumpan/Clare Jig/The Gaitha/Fiddlehead lyrics   -
06   God lyrics   -
07   Canadee-I-O lyrics   -
08    Campbell's Farewell to Redcastle/Christo Wraps the Reichstage/The Kilt lyrics Add lyrics   -
09   Green lyrics   -
10    Ye Jacobites by Name/The Rights of Man lyrics Add lyrics   -
11    Men of Argyll/Old Ground lyrics Add lyrics   -

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