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Composer: Carbon Leaf, Barry Privett

Carbon Leaf - The Sea lyrics

I woke up from a dream
A white rose was floating to greet... the sea
Morning light, race me down
The wooden path, can't catch me now... the sea
Will you wade with me? You and me, all alone?
Wadin' in the sea
I grab your toes and know I understand
The symbol of the rose, it floats in my hand
On this great sea strand

Hang on to me and I'll hang on to you
Until the end, or until the day is through
And as we float, I'll wash away that part of me
That lures the devil in the deep blue sea

Will you always float here with me?
I don't wanna send second-hand notes
To you, my friend, about the sea
So we jump back into the party
And we wade out past the bar
I had not planned on going out this far

Hang on to me and I'll hang on to you
Until the end, or until the day is through
And as we float, I'll wash away that part of me
That lures the devil in the deep blue sea

'Cause the devil has a smile
And the devil has a smile
And it's thorny and it's wild
And it grows from deep inside
And you try to swim away
But the devil calls this play
Deep blue sea deep blue sea deep blue sea
Songs list of album: Indian Summer (2004)
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10   When I'm Alone lyrics   -
11   The Sea lyrics   -

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