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Composer: Carbon Leaf

Carbon Leaf - Kettle lyrics

I write fingers cut same blood as yours

can't make it flow but I know

a stunted way to grow and I scream

and the kettle screams I'm so sick of it

and I want to go home(but I'm home)

I want to hear you feel it

say it like you mean it

bad half of each of me

hey heard you downstairs

I want to catch you in the kitchen kissing

and holding hands when walking

and the kettle screams I'm so tired of it

and I want to go home (but I'm home)

and you should breathe it

say it like you mean it

years together alone

life together alone

steal truly happy lives

please last please try

I know they don't last

no I lie

I want pictures of you crow's feet-joyful

to hear you laugh across the house

til it's painful

then the kettle screams your so tired of it

and you want to go home (but your home)

you want to hear you feel it

say it like you mean it
Songs list of album: Meander (1995)
         Title Rating
01   Directional lyrics   -
02   Clockwork lyrics   -
03   One Day lyrics   -
04   Weirdguyhaus lyrics   -
05   Kettle lyrics   -
06   Skeleton Man Dance lyrics   -
07   Strain lyrics   -
08   Paper Thin lyrics   -
09   Live Like You lyrics   -
10   Country Monkee lyrics   -
11   Winter's Dream lyrics   -
12   Shellfish lyrics   -

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