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Composer: Nicolas Godin

Air - Biological lyrics

Thousands of hairs
Two eyes only
Its you

Some skin
Billions of genes
Again its you

That's why it's you and me

Your blood is red
It's beautiful genetic love

I don't know why I feel that way with you
I need your DNA

Your fingerprints
The flesh, her arm, your bones
I'd like to know
Why all these things move me

Let's use ourselves to be as one tonight
Apart of me would like to travel in your veins

I don't know why I feel that way with you
I need your DNA
Songs list of album: Talkie Walkie (2004)
         Title Rating
01   Venus lyrics   -
02   Cherry Blossom Girl lyrics   -
03   Run lyrics   -
04   Universal Traveler lyrics   -
05   Mike Mills lyrics   -
06   Surfing on a Rocket lyrics   -
07   Another Day lyrics   -
08   Alpha Beta Gaga lyrics   -
09   Biological lyrics   -
10   Alone in Kyoto lyrics   -

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