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Composer: Starsailor

Starsailor - Telling Them lyrics

We set off that day shaking all the way,
would your Mother speak to us again.
Put away your doubt that won't help us out,
just be sure to call before you ground.
The sun shone, the wind cried, so long, goodbye.
Lay your body down for the here and now,
just be sure to win before you're out.
How you feeling now living with the crown,
look at her and say you've been let down.
The sun shone, the wind cried, so long, goodnight.
By the book or by the gun there's fear inside of everyone.
Turn your head to face the sun and love will keep you safe.
By the book or by the gun there's fear inside of everyone.
Turn your head to face the sun and love will keep you safe.
Songs list of album: Silence Is Easy (2004)
         Title Rating
01   Music Was Saved lyrics   -
02   Fidelity lyrics   -
03    Some of Us lyrics Add lyrics   -
04   Silence Is Easy lyrics   -
05   Telling Them lyrics   -
06   Shark Food lyrics   -
07   Bring My Love lyrics   -
08   White Dove lyrics   -
09    Four to the Floor lyrics Add lyrics   -
10   Born Again lyrics   -
11   Restless Heart lyrics   -

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