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Composer: Starsailor

Starsailor - Silence Is Easy lyrics

Everybody says that their looking for a shelter,
got a lot to give but I don't know how to help her,
I should just let it go till they learn how to grow,
and how to liberate.

Everybody says that she's looking for a shelter,
got a lot to give but I don't know how I felt her,
they should just let it go till these cities learn to grow,
and how to liberate.

Silence is easy, it just becomes me,
you don't even know me, all lie about me.

Everybody says that I'm looking for a home now,
looking for a boy or I'm looking for a girl now,
I can still let it go, I can still learn to grow,
into a child again.

Silence is easy, it just becomes me,
you don't even know me, why lie about me.
Silence is easy, it just becomes me,
you don't even know me, why do you hate me.
Songs list of album: Silence Is Easy (2004)
         Title Rating
01   Music Was Saved lyrics   -
02   Fidelity lyrics   -
03    Some of Us lyrics Add lyrics   -
04   Silence Is Easy lyrics   -
05   Telling Them lyrics   -
06   Shark Food lyrics   -
07   Bring My Love lyrics   -
08   White Dove lyrics   -
09    Four to the Floor lyrics Add lyrics   -
10   Born Again lyrics   -
11   Restless Heart lyrics   -

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