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Composer: Chad Kent, Pardoe, D., Nathan Slade, Joey Culver

Atomship - Agent Orange lyrics

This is how you hold your American flag.
This is how you hold your American flag.
So this is how you hold your patri-fucking-otic flag.
Were all a bunch of fucking disgraces!

There sits and old man hes writing and typing and paying his tax to the law.
I see him through the window sill.
There you are laughing and joking and waiting and praying for life to be free.
And I know that you mean him well.
Stands up anger and walks to the doorway where he can yell clearly at me.
And Im not sure I know what he means.

Losing track of days.
Staring to sky.
As the old man yells.

So this is how you hold your American fucking, fucking flag!
So this is how you hold your funny little flag?

Losing track of days.
Staring to the sky.
As the old man dies.
As the old man dies. [x2]
Songs list of album: The Crash of 47 (2004)
         Title Rating
01    Day of Daze lyrics Add lyrics   -
02   Mothra lyrics   -
03   Dragonfly lyrics   -
04   Pencil Fight lyrics   -
05   Withered lyrics   -
06   Agent Orange lyrics   -
07   Time for People lyrics   -
08   Aliens lyrics   -
09   Whitfield lyrics   -
10   Friends lyrics   -
11   Plastic People lyrics   -

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