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Composer: Sylvia Juncosa

Sylvia Juncosa - Under the Freeway lyrics

My roof they call on overpass
A fitting name, I'll say

All the world stampedes above
And never knows I'm here
And all their noise
Just fades into nothing

Look down
The lights shine in the city
You'd never know
That anyone was missing

And if I contemplate
Think how did I fall out
I might feel sad
But only for a moment

I feel more for the ones still caught inside
Under the freeway, you can last a long long while
Lost from the city, no one knows you're gone

I'm not the only outcast
One threw himself to the cars last night
And if I think about it
How the factory spewed him out
I might feel sad
But only for a moment

I feel more for the ones still caught inside
Under the freeway, the lights go shining on
Under the freeway, no one knows you're gone
Under the freeway...
Songs list of album: One Thing (1989)
         Title Rating
01   One in Three lyrics  
02   Demon lyrics   -
03   Want It Bad lyrics   -
04   The System lyrics   -
05   Under the Freeway lyrics   -
06    Alhambra Monrovia lyrics Add lyrics   -
07   Love Crash lyrics  
08   Room 3 lyrics   -
09   Friend lyrics   -

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