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Composer: Howie Day

Howie Day - Slow Down lyrics

an actress
sooner the better for me
you should know by now
i'm not your friend
you're ravelled up
take some time to come undone
you look so tired
i know your type
you storm out
and tear the walls
the portraits down
it's what you wanted
it's how we are
take it or leave it
slow down slow down
i can stay awake for you
if you can stay awake for me
you're broken to break down
slow down slow down
i'm not so sure
so wait and see
i wake up
girlfriend i'm on your floor
you should know by now
i'm not so mad
it's go time
you're barely dressed
but fully on
your painted eyes
you look so tired
i don't think i can trust love anymore
Songs list of album: Australia (2002)
         Title Rating
01    Sorry So Sorry lyrics Add lyrics   -
02   She Says lyrics   -
03   Secret lyrics   -
04   Slow Down lyrics   -
05   Ghost lyrics   -
06   Kristina lyrics   -
07   Everything Else lyrics   -
08   More You Understand lyrics   -
09   Morning After lyrics   -
10   Disco lyrics   -

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