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Composer: Eric Bazilian, Goss, Glenn

The Hooters - Shadow of Jesus lyrics

What happened to the heart that I gave you
What are you hiding in your chest these days
You wanted somebody to save you
I wanted someone who could not be saved

Living in the shadow of Jesus
It's so hard to bear your cross every day
Was it easy for you, Christ,
It's murdering me
Now I'm down on my knees with a reason to pray

You tell me experience has changed you
From where I'm looking that's not hard to see
You wanted out and how could I blame you
When I'm not looking are you blaming me

Living in the shadow of Jesus
It's so hard to bear your cross every day
Was it easy for you, Christ,
It's murdering me
Now I'm down on my knees with a reason to pray

We've shifted into meaningless chatter
This kind of talking could go on for days
We've been through the heart of the matter
Don't make no difference at the end of the day

Living in the shadow of Jesus
It's so hard to bear your cross every day
Was it easy for you, Christ,
It's murdering me
Now I'm down on my knees with a reason to pray
Songs list of album: 500 Miles (2003)
         Title Rating
01    Johnny B. lyrics Add lyrics   -
02   Satellite lyrics   -
03   500 Miles lyrics   -
04   Day by Day lyrics   -
05    Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds lyrics Add lyrics   -
06   Hanging on a Heartbeat lyrics   -
07    Where Do the Children Go lyrics Add lyrics   -
08   Shadow of Jesus lyrics   -
09   Always a Place lyrics   -
10   One Way Home lyrics   -
11   Don't Take My Car Out Tonight lyrics   -
12   Heaven Laughs lyrics   -
13   All You Zombies lyrics   -
14   Brother, Don't You Walk Away lyrics   -
15    And We Danced lyrics Add lyrics   -
16   She Comes in Colors lyrics   -
17   Give the Music Back lyrics   -
18   You Never Know Who Your Friends Are lyrics   -
19   Deliver Me lyrics   -
20   South Ferry Road lyrics   -
21    Don't Knock It 'Til You Try It lyrics Add lyrics   -
22   Beat Up Guitar lyrics   -
23   Fightin' on the Same Side lyrics   -
24   Engine 999 lyrics   -

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