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Composer: Cake Like

Cake Like - Swell lyrics

It's undeniably lazy

What we do when you're not around

Hospitalize the crazies

Keep the maggots underground

Oh, whoa

Oh, whoa-oh

It was a hell of a time, it was a hell of a time

So swell, so swell

It was a hell of a time, it was a hell of a time

So swell, so swell

It was a hell of a time, it was a hell of a time

So swell, so swell

It was a hell of a time, it was a hell of a time

So swell, so swell

It was a hell of a time, it was a hell of a time

So swell, so swell

It was a hell of a time, it was a hell of a time

So swell, so swell

It was a hell of a time, it was a hell of a time

So swell, so swell

It was a hell of a time, it was a hell of a time

So swell, so swell

It's undeniably lazy

What we do when you're not around

Hospitalize the crazies

Keep the maggots underground

Oh, whoa

Oh, whoa-oh
Songs list of album: Goodbye, So What? (1999)
         Title Rating
01   Lucky One lyrics   -
02   My Guy lyrics   -
03   Don't Tell lyrics   -
04   Ashley lyrics   -
05    Dead to Me lyrics Add lyrics   -
06   Getaway lyrics   -
07   Superstore lyrics   -
08   Swell lyrics   -
09    Blacked Out and Blue lyrics Add lyrics   -
10   God's Alright lyrics   -
11   Frequent Flyer lyrics   -
12   Miss You lyrics   -

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