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Composer: mewithoutYou

mewithoutYou - Seven Sisters lyrics

He made the world a grassy road before our bare, wandering feet,
And crushed the stones into the softest sand between our toes,
But we're wondering where to sleep,
Clever words on pages turn to fragments;
Circles, points and lines, and cover them like carpets,
With graceful, meaningless ornamental designs

Come quick, you light that knows no evening
Come, alone to the alone!
There are a thousand sanities well worth leaving to take your madness home,
You dance inside my chest where no one sees you
But sometimes I see you

Rejoice, salvation of my soul!
But I still have a thousand half-loves
(Oh my God! I want to shoot myself just thinking about it!)
And you think I don't mean what I say?
I mean every word I say!

I threw a stone down at the reflection of my image in the water,
And it althogether disappeared,
I burst,
It shattered me like a bullet through a bottle,
And I'm expected to believe that any of this is real.
Songs list of album: Catch for Us the Foxes (2004)
         Title Rating
01   Torches Together lyrics   -
02   January 1979 lyrics   -
03    Tie Me Up! Untie Me! lyrics Add lyrics   -
04   Leaf lyrics   -
05    Disaster Tourism lyrics Add lyrics   -
06   Seven Sisters lyrics   -
07   The Soviet lyrics   -
08   Paper Hanger lyrics   -
09    My Exit, Unfair lyrics Add lyrics   -
10    Four Word Letter, Pt. 2 lyrics Add lyrics   -
11   Carousels lyrics   -
12    Son of a Widow lyrics Add lyrics   -

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