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Composer: Madcap

Madcap - Situation Breakdown lyrics

I stand witness of destruction in the streets.
Blood shed in the city. Shots ring oer seas.
I staqdn witness of a broken world, of a dying world
on it's way to self-destruction.

This bed's been made. We don't have to lie on it.
This world is not like you. This world is not like me.
We must unite and build a new nation. This one has
failed us. It's failed my generation.

Better, stronger, together, forever.
A brand new nation, is what we need.
No situation or time for furstration.
Let's shake it off, let's try it again.
Righteous separation and world segregation
make holy wars between unholy nations.

I don't watn to be part of this broken worlf.
Let's take the pieces and build a new one, build it strong.

Better, stronger, together, forever.
A brand new nation, is what we need.

I see destruction on the streets.
I see destruction in the city.
A brand new nation.
Songs list of album: East to West (2002)
         Title Rating
01    Bright Lights, Big City lyrics Add lyrics   -
02   These Old Feelings lyrics   -
03   Hometown lyrics   -
04    New Age lyrics Add lyrics   -
05   Parental Advisory lyrics   -
06    Streets of Belief lyrics Add lyrics   -
07   Midnight Thoughts lyrics   -
08    Heaven or Hell lyrics Add lyrics   -
09   Situation Breakdown lyrics   -
10   Desolate Town lyrics   -
11   You Can't Forget lyrics   -
12   Better Day lyrics   -

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