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Oxymoron - Dawn Patrol lyrics

We're standing in a pub, got nothing else to do
A bottle in the hand, we knocked back yet a few
When everyone was pissed, there wasn't left a dime
The blame was on the beer, that's flowing really fine


Now now now, out of order
Now now now, beyond the border
Now now now, now we're on the way
Dawn patrol, fuckin' wasted
Dawn patrol, we don't please them
Dawn patrol, we roam 'til the dawn is gonna come

Then everything went wrong, we blame it on the beer
The bouncers caught us up to throw us out of here
A member of the gang was crashing on the floor
Because he tried to kick the bouncer in the balls
When on the city's border the night is coming on
And all the people do withdraw into their secure homes
Then on the city's border we're going on patrol
We're setting out, go underground, to the avoided zone

They really beat us up, but we were kicking back
And in the end I said 'You're rotten in the head'
We made off fast but not for a long time yet back home
Because there were a lot of places left to roam
Songs list of album: Fuck the Nineties.....Here's Our Noize (2001)
         Title Rating
01    Bored and Violent lyrics Add lyrics   -
02   Dead End Generation lyrics   -
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08   Mohican Tunes lyrics   -
09    Beware Poisnous lyrics Add lyrics   -
10   Drug Shock lyrics   -
11   Self Rule lyrics   -
12   Nuclear War lyrics   -
13   Dawn Patrol lyrics   -
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