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Composer: Hicks, Chris Jones, Peter Hook

Revenge - Surf Nazi lyrics

Now, when my thoughts have left with you, I'll cry.
I have no tears to see me through.
That's why I never talk about it.
I love you.

Never cared about love.
With all the doubts I was confused.
I can't face my real world.
Please don't shout 'cause that won't do.
There's times I can't fight it, but I love you.
I love you.

Here's what I think of you.
Here's why I need you to.
That's what I'm trying to do,
all this stuff for you.

Why ignore the danger in the things you do?
If I took just a wild guess,
I'd have to say we're through.
But I always was a dreamer.
I love you
Songs list of album: One True Passion (1990)
         Title Rating
01   Pineapple Face lyrics   -
02   Big Bang lyrics   -
03    Kiss the Chrome lyrics Add lyrics   -
04   Slave lyrics   -
05   Bleachman lyrics   -
06   Surf Nazi lyrics   -
07   7 Reasons lyrics   -
08   Fag Hag lyrics   -
09   It's Quiet lyrics   -

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