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Composer: Hicks, Chris Jones, Peter Hook

Revenge - Slave lyrics

Tell me of all the things I've never seen.
And it's the strange days and all those echoes in between.

It always makes me sad to be here.
It isn't what it seems.
I think of all the precious time I've wasted,
while you live your life in dreams.

[Heaven,] how much more there is in me.
I'm in a blind rage for all the feelings that I need.
If I could find some hope tommorow,
then I'll hear you scream.
I can't believe the words you're saying!
The truth means more to me.

Nothing ever lasts forever.
It's the same for you I'm sure.
All the things we did together,
they just hurt me more and more.

Nothing ever lasts forever.
It's the same for you I'm sure.
Although like now they seem like never.
[Meet another open door
Songs list of album: One True Passion (1990)
         Title Rating
01   Pineapple Face lyrics   -
02   Big Bang lyrics   -
03    Kiss the Chrome lyrics Add lyrics   -
04   Slave lyrics   -
05   Bleachman lyrics   -
06   Surf Nazi lyrics   -
07   7 Reasons lyrics   -
08   Fag Hag lyrics   -
09   It's Quiet lyrics   -

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