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Composer: Diego Garcia

Elefant - Bokkie lyrics

Jumping with your eyes closed, Landing on the sun
Being young and beautiful, In love with no one
But yourself


And people tell you you're pretty yeah
Your smile drives them crazy lady
You wanna slowly fade away, but you can't, So you stay

Playing for the public, Making them love you
You're so cruel


And people tell you you're pretty yeah
Your smile drives them crazy lady
You wanna slowly fade away, but you can't
So you stay with me, with me, Bokkie

I'm on an island for two


And people tell tell you you're pretty yeah
Your smile drives them crazy lady
You wanna slowly fade away, but you can't
So you stay with me
Songs list of album: Sunlight Makes Me Paranoid (2003)
         Title Rating
01   Make Up lyrics   -
02   Now That I Miss Her lyrics   -
03   Misfit lyrics   -
04   Bokkie lyrics   -
05   Tonight Let's Dance lyrics   -
06    Static on Channel 4 lyrics Add lyrics   -
07   Sunlight Makes Me Paranoid lyrics   -
08   Annie lyrics  
09   Love lyrics   -
10   Ester lyrics   -

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