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Composer: Diego Garcia

Elefant - Misfit lyrics

Picked a girl up at the trainstop where I live
Took a drive along the beach by the ocean
Talk about the dreams we had while we were growing old
Wrote a poem on the back of your shoulder

Tell me your name, tell me your story
Cause I'm into it
Runnin' through life like a misfit

Tell me your name, tell me your story
Cause I'm into it
Runnin' through life like a misfit

I will start again
I will start again

Give the dog a bone to chew as I drive around
Wrote this song last night while I was sober


Tell me your name, tell me a story
Cause I'm into it, runnin' through life like a misfit

And I kept on driving
I will start again

Songs list of album: Sunlight Makes Me Paranoid (2003)
         Title Rating
01   Make Up lyrics   -
02   Now That I Miss Her lyrics   -
03   Misfit lyrics   -
04   Bokkie lyrics   -
05   Tonight Let's Dance lyrics   -
06    Static on Channel 4 lyrics Add lyrics   -
07   Sunlight Makes Me Paranoid lyrics   -
08   Annie lyrics  
09   Love lyrics   -
10   Ester lyrics   -

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