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Composer: Jon Gutwillig

Disco Biscuits - Haleakala Crater lyrics

To the islands where I go,
To find my creator.
Haleakala Crater,
Wait for the sun.

The morning it crept on,
the sky clear for day,
the wind blew by slowly,
the rivers were dry.

Up with my feet as I
walked on the mountain,
a staff laid out before me
and plenty of time.

Barley, the sun rose,
peeked above the crator,
the light hit the stars now,
and lit up the sky

Up came the heat,
as I walked on the mountain,
my legs trembled before me,
I did not know why.
Songs list of album: They Missed the Perfume (2001)
         Title Rating
01   Highwire lyrics   -
02   Spacebirdmatingcall lyrics   -
03   Haleakala Crater lyrics   -
04   Home Again lyrics   -
05   Mindless Dribble lyrics   -
06    I Remember When... lyrics Add lyrics   -

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