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Composer: Pepper

Pepper - Green Hell lyrics

I can hear your soft, soft voice sliding down the walls
And I feel a green light kissing my face
Tell me when you wake up is this where your gonna be
You don't think I'll notice but I can wait for you to leave
So when I saw this place that I couldn't resist
All these beautiful things yes I had to persist
When I went to touch them they'd act so tame
But underneathe the glitter there was so much pain
Someone started talking, way below the pitch I read
I couldn't really hear what they were saying, but it really didn't bother me oh no
I was on my way yah, to being lost all over again
I'm following this girl into the ocean, now I'm drowning in a mermaids bed
Til I hold my breathe, I shoot thru the chamber on my way to losing some friends
I can hear your soft, soft voice sliding down the walls
And I feel a green light kissing my face
Tell me when you wake up is this where your gonna be
You don't think I'll notice but I can wait for you to leave
Now all your life has been wasted, chasing after me
And now you got the nerve, to come and put it all on me yah
I love how these things come full circle, everytime
Swinging around like a racking ball in your fragile soul
You can run, but the scars you can never hide
Oh your face is giving you away
And the truth hurts more than the matter
And the sun screams louder at night
I can hear your soft, soft voice sliding down the walls
And I feel a green light kissing my face
Tell me when you wake up is this where your gonna be
You don't think I'll notice but I can wait for you to leave
Oh, do you know where you are, do you at all
Do you know where you are, do you at all
Know where you are, my green hell
Songs list of album: No Shame (2006)
         Title Rating
01   Bring Me Along lyrics   -
02   Rent lyrics  
03   No Control lyrics   -
04   Green Hell lyrics   -
05    Lost in America lyrics Add lyrics   -
06    UFA Point (Skit) lyrics Add lyrics   -
07   Your Face lyrics   -
08   Nice Time lyrics   -
09   Crazy Love lyrics   -
10   Like Your Style lyrics   -
11    Point and Shoot lyrics Add lyrics   -
12   Old Time Problem lyrics   -
13    Beers (Skit) lyrics Add lyrics   -
14   Outta My Face lyrics   -
15   Wanted lyrics   -
16   Good Enough lyrics   -
17   Zicky's Song lyrics   -
18    Intro (Skit) lyrics Add lyrics   -

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