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Composer: Pepper

Pepper - Tradewinds lyrics

"my heavens low but the songs the same
seems I'm always looking when I hear your name
you've been away but don't leave this side
seen all of your faces you've tried to hide
so I'm sitting here in a train station
lord knows I値l step with no hesitation
oh I seen through your lies
still I'm one still I'm one to testify and I say

I'll find a way to let you know
hold me close when tradewinds blow
chances are you're over me, I'll catch that train eventually
to the questions that you're asking
I've only expected everything
these arms of mine are burning
as I see, as I see those pages turning, and I say
chorus 2x

my heavens low but the songs the same
seems I'm always looking when I hear your name
you've been away but don't leave this side
seen all of your faces you've tried to hide
so I'm sitting here in a train station
lord knows I値l step with no hesitation
oh I seen through your lies
still I'm one still I'm one to testify and I say

chorus 2x

Said I知 sorry 2x
I知 a lover, I知 a lover who says he痴 sorry

Said I知 sorry 2x
I知 a lover, I知 a lover who says he痴 sorry

Said I知 sorry 2x
I知 a lover who says he痴 sorry
Songs list of album: Kona Town (2002)
         Title Rating
01    The Good Thing lyrics Add lyrics   -
02   Stone Love lyrics   -
03   Dry Spell lyrics   -
04   Face Plant lyrics   -
05   Tradewinds lyrics   -
06   Stormtrooper lyrics   -
07    Ho's lyrics Add lyrics   -
08    B.O.O.T. lyrics Add lyrics   -
09   Give It Up lyrics   -
10    Sitting on the Curb lyrics Add lyrics   -
11   Too Much lyrics   -
12   Tongues lyrics   -
13   Office lyrics   -

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