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Drowningman - My First Restraining Order lyrics

to sink so high desperate emanations, lamp light in the eye held your heart, fingers in the cavity all alone in the dark alone, we'll sail away, we'll sink so high, you're holding back again, you said you wouldn't. don't say anything even if it's killing you. don't say anything. sink so high, sail so low. tell me what I said, tell me what to say, bombs hearts. hearts are breaking, watch it all blown away. I called seven times said you're not at home. I can see the lights on. they said. they lied. tonight we'll say it second tonight we'll say it slow. tonight we'll say anything anything at all. at all. I called seven times said you're not at home. I can't take it back. I can't take it now. fell from the sky rain falling down. rain came falling down and down. down from the sky.
Songs list of album: Rock and Roll Killing Machine (2000)
         Title Rating
01   When People Become Numbers lyrics   -
02    Last Weeks Minutes from the Meeting of the Secret Society of Your ... lyrics Add lyrics   -
03    The Truly Dangerous Nature of a Man Who Doesn't Care of He Lives or Dies lyrics Add lyrics   -
04    Rock and Roll Killing Machine lyrics Add lyrics   -
05   Code Breaking Hearts lyrics   -
06   My First Restraining Order lyrics   -
07    This Years Most Fashionable Signs of Weakness lyrics Add lyrics   -
08    If God Loves a Winner He's Going to Want to Fuck Me in a Minute ... lyrics Add lyrics   -
09    Angles and Defenses lyrics Add lyrics   -

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