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Composer: Nights Like These

Nights Like These - Destroy the Stairs lyrics

Engines are turning with nothing to run them.
But the going gets tougher as the years roll on.
Remember way back when? We need something new.
Something better.
Not broken and fixed.
We are the medicated zombies roaming the earth with our empty bodies.
I wasn’t able to do this before but now I’m letting go.
I am falling apart.
You are falling apart.
I am falling apart.
We are falling apart.
This city is dying but we were already dead.
Songs list of album: The Faithless (2006)
         Title Rating
01   Storming Valhalla lyrics   -
02   Head of Medusa lyrics   -
03   Destroy the Stairs lyrics   -
04   Scavenger's Daughter lyrics   -
05   Memento Mori lyrics   -
06   Ghost Town Rituals lyrics   -
07   Symphony for the Plague lyrics   -
08   Bury the Messenger lyrics   -
09   We Were Meant for Ruin lyrics   -
10   Eternal Tempest lyrics   -
11   Let the Waters Overtake Us lyrics  

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