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Composer: Melora Creager

Rasputina - Saline the Salt Lake Queen lyrics

In a prehistoric dried up lake,

a million years after the last earthquake,

there lived a little girl who loved to bake.

The only thing she'd make was cake,

and all she used was salt

That's all she had, it's not her fault.

Saline the Salt Lake Queen

She used a rudimental substance for

an ingrediant that she could pour

into a chalice she carved out of stone.

her only friend, it was a big black crow

who flew with love,

he would fly high above,

look back at her below.

Oh Saline, only seventeen

swollen up with pride.

Oh Saline, under desert's skies

She's a bromide.

She makes green fire

In a tunnel of thorns

and she's got yellow eyes.

She'd cook alone amid a brutal ruin

It's hard to tell exactly what she's doing.

An incantation and a crow flew in

Oooooh Oooooh

And then she took a taste

The black crow looked into her face

Saline the Salt Lake Queen

Oooooh, oooooh

Oh Saline, the desert queen

Oh Saline, only seventeen

swollen up with pride.

Oh Saline, under desert's skies

She's a bromide.

She makes green fire

in a tunnel of thorns

and she's got yellow eyes.
Songs list of album: Frustration Plantation (2004)
         Title Rating
01   Doomsday Averted lyrics   -
02   Secret Message lyrics   -
03   Possum of the Grotto lyrics   -
04   If Your Kisses Can't Hold the Man You Love lyrics   -
05   The Mayor lyrics   -
06    When I Count... lyrics Add lyrics   -
07    High on Life lyrics Add lyrics   -
08   Wicked Dickie lyrics   -
09   My Captivity by Savages lyrics   -
10   Saline the Salt Lake Queen lyrics   -
11    Oh, Injury lyrics Add lyrics   -
12   When I Was a Young Girl lyrics   -
13   Momma Was an Opium-Smoker lyrics   -
14    No.17dee lyrics Add lyrics   -
15    Girls' School lyrics Add lyrics   -

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